The fibres are not chemically treated and comply with all relevant health and safety requirements.
Display product range
Recycled fibres are packed in bales, approx. dimensions 123 x 95 x 55 cm, approx. weight 200 kg. Carrying capacity of a standard truck is approx. 20 tons and we try to optimise transport costs at longer distances.
Production quality is guaranteed by internal quality management system meeting the requirements of ISO 9001 certification.
Our product range includes the following recycled fibres:
• synthetic fibres with small proportion of natural fibres
• polyester fibres
• HT polyester fibres
• polypropylene fibres
• natural fibres – jute, linen
• fibre blends
• special blends incl. PUR pieces
We demand the following textile materials
CzechFibre, spol. s r. o.
Hejnická 744
464 01 Raspenava
Czech Republic
Ident. no. (IČO): 07859074
VAT Id. no. (DIČ): CZ07859074
ISO 9001
Tel./fax: + 420 482 319 085
Mobil: + 420 739 021 806